vineri, 21 octombrie 2011

Red and Black Dreams

In my wardrobe there is a little red dress. I used to look at it every day thinking- tonight, tonight its gonna be the night to wear it. Now my little red dress is not on my wardrobe is on the floor. I use it to clean the house from time to time. My red dream was there along side my dress and in between the moment of the dream and the moment of what it would have been reality I just lost it somewhere on the floor, and I am using  the dress to wipe it out. I have a new dress in my wardrobe. Its black and short and wonderful. I am waiting for my black dream to come with it. To wear it at a party in a huge room filled with people that I may know or not know and I'll dance in the middle of the room, until my dress will become blue and my dream will reshape my room, my dress, my people.

2 comentarii:

  1. I loved this Post Mada, somewhere I see the connect between the dresses and the dreams! It's amazing how you have captured the emotions and the occasions related to this occasion. Beautiful. loved it.


  2. Renu, I am very happy you enjoyed it:) I was at a client meeting yesterday and that client had a store with thousands of amazing beautiful dresses, astonishing and I have to say that was my inspiration. Thank you so so much for your words:)
